Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning is a tradition that has been around for centuries, a time to freshen up the home after a long, dreary winter. The process of spring cleaning involves deep cleaning and decluttering the house, removing anything that is no longer needed, and organizing the remaining items to create a clean and organized living space.

Spring cleaning is a perfect opportunity to eliminate items that are no longer needed or wanted and to reorganize the remaining items in a way that makes sense. For example, decluttering the closet, removing old clothes that no longer fit or are out of style, and organizing the remaining clothing into a more manageable system. It is also a good idea to go through kitchen cabinets, pantry shelves, and drawers, discard any expired or spoiled food items and reorganize what remains.

Deep Spring Cleaning

Another important aspect of spring cleaning is deep cleaning. This means scrubbing the bathrooms and kitchen, dusting and vacuuming every room in the house, and washing windows and mirrors. Cleaning the floors, including hardwood, tile, and carpets, is also essential. When deep cleaning, it is a good idea to use natural and environmentally friendly cleaning products, as these are gentler on the environment and often just as effective as traditional cleaning products.


Spring cleaning is also an excellent opportunity to organize the home in a way that makes sense. For example, you could reorganize your kitchen to make cooking and preparing meals easier or rearrange your bedroom to create a more peaceful and relaxing environment. For example, you can rearrange furniture, set up storage solutions, and create a more efficient and functional living space.

Repairs and Mantainence

In addition to decluttering and cleaning the home, spring cleaning is also an excellent opportunity to make any necessary repairs or upgrades, including fixing leaky faucets, replacing light fixtures, and updating decor. Spring cleaning is also an ideal time to perform maintenance on appliances, such as cleaning the refrigerator and range, to ensure that they are in good working order.

Spring Cleaning Can Be Fun

Finally, spring cleaning is a great time to involve the whole family. Assigning tasks to each family member not only helps to lighten the load but also helps to teach children important life skills, such as organization and cleaning. Plus, working together can make the process more enjoyable.

In conclusion, spring cleaning is a tradition that has been around for centuries, and for a good reason. It gives the home a fresh start after a long winter and provides an opportunity to declutter, deep clean, and reorganize the living space. Whether you tackle the process on your own or with the help of your family, spring cleaning is a crucial step in maintaining a clean and organized home.

Outdoors Cleaning

Spring is hands down the best season of the year. It is the time of year that we all remove the clutter from within our homes and take to the outdoors for lawn maintenance and sunshine.

Executing all of the needed spring cleaning tasks can be hard work. It’s important to spend as much attention to the exterior of your house as you do cleaning closets and pulling out appliances. Cutting back trees that have grown too close to the house and removing branches from the roof are great ways to prolong a home’s exterior surfaces.

Spring Pressure Washing

I also pull out the pressure washer and do what I love best. I have a cheat sheet in this area of cleaning. If you’re incapable of safely washing your house, you should hire a professional at least once a year. Although I have a sound gutter guard system, I check them for clogs. Deck cleaning and concrete cleaning are considerable ways to improve the appearance and comfort of outdoor living spaces.

The most significant benefit of spring cleaning is that it improves the functionality of your home. Deep interior cleaning helps keep us healthy and removes clutter. Exterior cleaning helps keep up the value of our home and makes the summer months enjoyable.


Exterior Spring Cleaning List

  • Roof cleaning
  • House wash
  • Gutter cleaning
  • Tree trimming
  • Concrete Cleaning
  • Deck cleaning
  • Gardening
  • Stick removal
  • Relax
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